My first blog post…

Hey everyone, this is my first ever post (I’m very new to this as you can probably tell) so here goes… I’m Malise Honey, I’m 17 years old and I live in South Yorkshire. Since being homeschooled from the age of 15, I’ve got a real passion for everything Health and Beauty related.

By achieving a diploma in feature writing, it really gave me the confidence boost and encouragement I needed to finally start my blog. I’m super excited to share everything I’ve learnt with you guys and to hopefully inspire and motivate you all with what I know and love, including my lifestyle, healthy living, my favourite beauty routines and my holy grail products.

Malise xx

33 thoughts on “My first blog post…

  1. Hi Malise! Congrats on your first blog post! I hope your passion fuels your new blog! Best wishes! Looking forward to seeing you grow as a blogger =D

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I agree it was no accident.I was speaking to my son yesterday… at 14 he is seeing the same type of thing in school, politics wise.He asked questions about who was running for what.Amongst the things I told him, some basic rules for looking at eli.Ceonscthief among them…. when you see one side working to silence the other, it’s because they have something to hide. Never, ever, ever vote for them. Never trust them again.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Well done Malise. I’ve subscribed and will be following you on your ‘blogging’ journey! Proud of ya lady! Big love and a huge respect xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! I appreciate your feedback, yep my parents were pretty great like. I’ll look forward to hearing your thoughts on my posts in the future😊x

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  3. Hi there! I’m also new in blogging and I found your blog interesting. I hope you’ll visit mine, too, since we have similarities. Good luck! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Well done Malise , you should be really proud of your achievements luv, I’ll be following you all the way, can’t wait for your next blog. Lots of luv hunni X Auntie C xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Malise. I just found your blog and it is really interesting. I started blogging a few days ago and I am new to this experience. Would you mind taking a look at my blogs. much love. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. woah, lemme get this straight I have been writing my hands off and got 6 followers wile you got five or so blogs and have 41 followers you must be good. p.s congrats on ur first blog

    Liked by 1 person

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